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Media Center

Traci Cianfagna
Media Specialist


The goal of our library is to instill the love of reading and books to all students and have them become independent learners who are able to locate and evaluate information. 

Book Exchange
Students visit the library each week for a 45-minute period on their class assigned letter day, A-E. They participate in book exchange every two weeks and lessons include book care, book parts, reference, research, authors and illustrators, and new literature themes each marking period by grade level. 

Late & Lost Books
Students in grades K-3 keep their library books in their classroom. Grades 3-5 are allowed to take their books home. A reminder notice will be sent home for late books and a notice will be sent for the cost of replacement if the book is lost. 


CT Project Resources: (*Suggested for 5th grade research)

All students visit the library on a weekly basis for 45 minutes.  During this time, students learn various aspects of information literacy skills such as accessing, using and evaluating multiple types of information.  This includes fiction and nonfiction books, reference resources and magazine articles.  In addition to print resources, students learn about digital resources such as databases, websites and library catalogs.  
Students also select a book to read that is just right for them during their library class. A just right book is a book that is comfortable for the reader, interesting, engaging and the reader will know the meaning of most of the words on the page. Our goal is to help students develop into effective users of information and ideas as well as life-long readers and learners!                     